Use my program to become
in 4 weeks
Smoking is an addiction we have been convinced is hard to stop! This program will show you it’s not only easy to stop but a rewarding and empowering journey.
Together we uncover the underlying emotions, beliefs, and thoughts you have attached to smoking to prepare you to be a happy non-smoker for life!

Use my program to become
Smoke-Free in 4 Weeks
Smoking is an addiction we have been convinced is hard to stop! This program will show you it’s not only easy to stop but a rewarding and empowering journey.
Together we uncover the underlying emotions, beliefs, and thoughts you have attached to smoking to prepare you to be a happy non-smoker for life!
Smoke Free in 4 Weeks – 4 sessions over 4 weeks
Have you tried to stop smoking but nothing has worked before? I know I had. As a smoker for 25 years, I had tried every single modality that was available including therapy, medication, hypnosis and patches. Nothing worked on its own.
When I finally stopped smoking, I experienced an overwhelming sense of freedom and wellness. By becoming smoke free I experienced benefits I hadn’t even considered before. I gained more self-confidence, had more energy, clarity of mind, smelt better and became more relaxed and centred.
I found the secret to stop smoking is support and dealing with the underlying emotions, thoughts and beliefs attached to smoking using a combination of modalities. As such, I’ve taken the best of every stop smoking technique and packaged it together to be Smoke Free in 4 Weeks.
Over the 4 weeks we get to the bottom of your smoking addiction. We work on the beliefs you might hold around why you smoke, why you think you can’t stop smoking, and your thoughts and fears attached to smoking. Your freedom date will be week 4, you will stop smoking during this session, we will use a combination of techniques, including a powerful hypnosis methodology – and you will be smoke free from that day! How good would that feel?!?
To ensure you stay smoke free and empowered on your journey, I teach you meditation and mindfulness techniques that you can continue to use after the 4-week program.
Becoming smoke free is one of the best things I have done for myself. You too can experience this sense of freedom and wellness in all areas of your life by becoming smoke free. Book an info call today and start your journey to be smoke free in 4 weeks.
Shayne’s Story..
When I met Shayne my first impression of him was a friendly, quiet bloke who was kind but determined to give smoking the flick.
The problem was, he didn’t know how to do it. He had tried willpower. patches and promises, but he couldn’t make it stick.
During our first session, we dived deep and discovered the reasoning behind smoking his first cigarette. This reasoning had stayed with him after that first puff, and continued to play out in other facets of his life. Clearing this patterning for the smoking, not only helped him become smoke free, but also made a positive impact within his whole life.
Once we worked through his concerns, fears and his addiction, we set his date to stop smoking. During the 6 weeks together, we worked out what he would spend his spare money on and how good he would feel using visualisations, hypnosis, and coaching strategies.
He is now smoke-free.
In his own words….
“This time last week I was a die-hard smoker, today I’m a non-smoker. Don’t get me wrong, I thought I couldn’t give them away. I wanted to, but was told time and time again how hard it is to quit!
Then I took a chance to get in touch with Susan Lister at Liberating Minds.
Give it a go friends, her program has helped me in so many other ways. Stopping smoking is only side benefit.
I don’t know what else to say other than if you are committed, it’s so effin easy! Prove me wrong and I will shout you a beer!”

As your Coach, you can expect…
I’ll be your biggest cheerleader! I believe in you and your Wellness Journey, and I will inspire you to build that belief in yourself.
I bring life experience, passion and qualifications as a Wellness Coach, Holistic Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, Meditation leader and a Woman. Giving you an honest and holistic coaching/mentoring experience to create the life and Wellness you desire.
I’m here to inspire, motivate and back you 100% of the way!